Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2010 November Southampton Art Gallery "Highlights of the Saugeen River"

             Last November was exciting for me as an artist to exhibit a series of paintings with a common theme at the Southampton Art Gallery. I have always enjoyed kayaking down the Saugeen River and marvel the beauty along this river. Many people become blind to what’s going on around them because life is full of common place things, but to me it’s important to record these everyday things. 
Because of this enjoyment of painting, I am preparing another series "Waterfalls not far from home" which will be on display for the month of September 2011 at the Southampton Art Gallery.

Owen Sound Banner Contest 2010

Another proud moment as an Artist, was my acceptance of my image for the Owen Sound Banner Contest 2010.  “Morning Orchid” was chosen as a 2010 Owen Sound Banner in which was chosen from 216 submissions by 83 artists.

2010 Saugeen Artist Coop members

2010 Members

        I have been an active member to the Saugeen Artists Coop since it's conception in 2006 and experienced first hand of it's growth and commitment to the arts. Our local community has many talented artists who now has joined together to display their talents in upcoming Art Shows such as the 'Show & Sell' during Hanover's Sights and Sounds Festival in July.

2009 Walkerton Library Artists show

In 2009, the Walkerton Library provided local artists a beautiful location to exhibit local art. Each artist volunteered to sit during the weekends to welcome the public to view the gallery paintings.

2007 Chesley Library Art Wall "African Inspiration"

The return from a Medical Mission Trip to Ghana in 2006 inspired this Art Exhibition at the Chesley Library Art Wall. African items were displayed and a slide show presentation to the community of the Mission trip was presented by my husband, Jim and I at the library. Paintings displayed by both myself and a  Ghanian Artist, Jonathan Aggrey. During this time, the Artist Magazine "Mosiac" accepted an article of my experience in Africa and meeting with Jonathan.

2007 Walter Falls Workshop

To go somewhere inspirational with other artists and friends provides a memorable experience. In 2007, we stayed at the Walter Falls Inn and enjoyed each other's company and returned home with beautiful paintings.

2005 Art Retreat at the Dragonfly Ridge Studio, Lion's Head

Lin Souliere welcomed a group of us as first visitors to her cabins for visiting artists and tourists. Lin took us all on a pleine air painting class at two different locations along the Bruce.
Lin was my first watercolour teacher in Stratford 25 years ago and consider her as my mentor.

2004 Art Introduction to the Hanover & Walkerton Community

In 2004, I was asked by Greg Schnur to exhibit with another artist “Tim Cook” in a new Walkerton Gallery. This was my first art introduction in the Hanover & Walkerton area.

“I will never forget my first meeting with Tim and his artistic enthusiasm which still inspires me to this day.”

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Welcome to my Art Blog

Hi everyone,
I am so excited to launch my new blog. I hope in the near future to replace my current Web Site to this blog. I have found that is easy to post new paintings, coming events,  past exhibitions for everyone to enjoy. When I reflect back in the last 5 years, I can see myself growing in both my personal and art life. Since moving to Hanover in 2001, I have found and connected with many artists, whom I can now call as friends.
For the posts that follow this welcome, I will be reflecting on the past snapshots of time.
 I like to welcome you to join with me in this art journey. It starts from 2004 and to the present.
:) Bev

Please leave your comments behind. I would love to hear from you.